How It Works

When you click “Refresh” or move to a new webpage, most of the ads changed out. How did this happen?

Imagine a bowl with 25 pieces of paper. Each piece has a bit of DVOA on it. You put your hand in the bowl and pull out one piece. Then you look at the DVOA. You put that piece of paper back, then pick another piece. This is pretty much how DVO DVOA works.

This section of my website has 25 ads in an ad pool. Some of these ads are only on one “piece of paper.” They have a frequency of 1/25 (4%) of being displayed. Other ads are on two pieces for a 2/25 frequency, and a few have a 3/25 frequency.

The HTML code for this webpage is like you picking out a piece of paper from the bowl and displaying the ad on that piece of paper.

Hit the refresh button again.

Occasionally, the ads do repeat in the same position. But most of the time, they change themselves out to give a new look to the webpage. This creates a variation to keep the webpage looking fresh. Yet the ads repeat enough, at a controlled frequency, to allow an effective impression to be made on the website visitor.

This reasonable balance between variation and sufficient impressions is determined by the website publisher who sets the frequency for the ads to show. Have I set an appropriate frequency for you to pay attention to the DVOA? Let's find out!

P.S. Today's online DVOA brokers do not offer any options for ad frequency. Have you noticed that, on websites with the brokers' ad units, sometimes the same ad can appear 50% of the time! What do you think happens to your ad space when that happens?

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