Enhanced Versions of DVO DVOA
While I believe my original version of DVO DVOA will be very suitable for many independent websites, I can see many ways to improve the concept. For several reasons, I won't be going in this direction. However, I have created a forum for programmers around the world to work together to improve this DVOA concept and be rewarded for good innovations and good marketing. It will be these programmers that further DVO DVOA.
Below are the links of programmers who have made enhancement to my original version of DVO DVOA (first level only). Feel free to inspect their work. If you feel the higher price is worth the extra features, buy directly from these programmers rather than from me.
Please note that I am not providing any official endorsement for these programmers. It is their responsibility to develop and test the code so that it can be implemented on your website. If their code does not work your website, you will deal with them, not me!
No Programmers have yet enhanced “Original”. Come back in a couple of months.
This journey through DVO DVOA is now complete. Please tell other website publishers about DVO DVOA. They will thank you for letting them know of this innovation.
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