
Consensus is not only a cooperative Social Networking Site (SNS)—where members make the decisions on its nature and direction, these members will be working online to make these decisions. This requires a unique system of governance that really hasn't yet been seen in the world. Here are the basic features of this new system:

  • Members, through a unique democratic process, have the final say on the direction of Consensus.
  • Members with more Influence have more say.
  • Early-joining members have more Influence than later-joining members.
  • Members with more ““supporters” have more Influence than members with fewer supporters.
  • Each year, members use their Influence to elect 200 of their peers to the Low Ring of governance. Those elected will sit on various committees, providing advice to the High Ring.
  • As the Low Ring members work with each other, they have opportunity to know which of them have the capacity and commitment to be in the High Ring. Based on their knowledge, Low Ring members will elect the 15 members of the High Ring, the actual decision-making body for Consensus.
  • Most discussions from the Low and High Rings can be monitored by the general membership.
  • Consensus should focus on establishing a consultative culture. Members will be encouraged to vote for peers who work effectively within this culture.
  • Advisors will be appointed to educate members about creating and maintaining this culture.

This section of Consensus (Governance) elaborates on the relationships between the members, low ring, high ring, and advisors. Be advised, this section contains a lot of policy and semi-legal text. Should you wish to read this section at a later time, please continue with the second link below, leading on to the “Business Plan.”

Continue with Governance

Proceed to Business Plan

© 2015 Dave Volek.
All Rights Reserved.